Commonwealth Blue Charter

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Seychelles Steps Forward as Commonwealth Champion for Marine Protection

Efforts to protect the ocean have received a major boost with the announcement that Seychelles will lead a Commonwealth Blue Charter action group on marine protected areas.

Seychelles is the latest and 12th country to step forward as a Commonwealth Blue Charter Champion country.  The announcement was made at the Sustainable Blue Economy Conference in Nairobi, Kenya.

Seychelles’ Minister for Agriculture and Fisheries, Charles Bastienne, spoke at a side-event on the Commonwealth Blue Charter. “Seychelles wishes to lead the group because of the great progress we have made at the national and regional level in the establishment and management of marine protected areas. The government of Seychelles believes that in order to compliment the adoption of the Blue Charter and also to achieve sustainable development, Seychelles – being a small island developing state – must play a pivotal role in preserving and protecting our seas and oceans at all costs”.

Commonwealth Blue Charter Action Group. Photo: The Commonwealth