SeyCCAT Blue Grants Fund 4

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Seychelles Conservation and Climate Change Trust (SeyCCAT) announces the launch of the 4th Blue Grants Fund call for proposals.

This year, SeyCCAT finances projects that fall under any of the three strategic objectives:



  • Strategic Objective 1: Support new and existing marine and coastal protected areas and sustainable use zones
  • Strategic Objective 2: Empower the fisheries sector with robust science and know-how to improve governance, sustainability, value and market options.
  • Strategic Objective 5: Trial and nurture business models to secure the sustainable development of Seychelles’ blue economy.

The specific types of project that SeyCCAT is financing this year can be found here.

Projects can be submitted that require either small/medium grants up to SCR 100,000, or large grants between SCR 100,000 and SCR 1,000,000. SeyCCAT anticipates dispersing approximately SCR 12.8 million through this fourth Blue Grants Fund announcement.  Any locally registered NGO or CSO, businesses, parastatal organization, government agencies or departments, and citizens of Seychelles may submit a proposal, as long as they have legally existed and operated in the Seychelles for a minimum of one year. The deadline for concept notes for the fourth call is August 14, 2020.