
The ‘Master List of Definitions’ is a list of uses, activities and terms with their descriptions in support of the Seychelles Marine Spatial Plan Initiative as it pertains to Allowable Activities tables, Management Considerations, and other outputs of the MSP. The list and definitions began in 2014 with the launch of the MSP and have been updated on an on-going basis as other MSP outputs were developed. The list of definitions is being created with all stakeholders including MSP committees, technical working groups and topic experts. The descriptions are not intended to define thresholds or acceptable intensity of use because this varies from place to place and is, or may be, determined by management plans, regulations and/or other information. Wherever possible, a published or authoritative description or definition is being used; those without a source are a local or generally accepted description of the use or activity. The Master List of Definitions will be finalised for the Marine Spatial Plan document and will be a living document for use in implementation of the MSP.

Suggested Citation: Seychelles MSP Initiative. 2022. Master List of Definitions for Allowable Activities Tables – Uses and Activities. DRAFT. Seychelles Marine Spatial Plan. Republic of Seychelles.