The Seychelles MSP Initiative is zoning for marine protected areas, sustainable uses and multiple uses. The Seychelles MSP is taking an integrated, multi-sector approach to zoning. The facilitation and scientific analyses are being led by The Nature Conservancy and the best available data, stakeholder information and local experts are contributing to the zoning design.
Zoning is an iterative process, and in July 2014 a process was proposed and a draft Zoning Framework developed. These were discussed with the MSP stakeholders over the course of several months to figure out the best way to zone for 30% marine protected areas while supporting the local economy, addressing any existing or possible future conflicts, supporting the development of the Blue Economy, and integrate with existing zones. This draft was revised several times and completed in January 2015 (ver 3.2). The initial framework had five zones that reflect the five themes of the MSP: fishing, biodiversity, infrastructure, non-renewable resources, tourism & recreation.
MSP Zoning Framework (v4.0; Oct 2017). Click here to download
Category |
Name | Objective |
Description |
Zone 1 |
High Biodiversity Protection Zone |
To allocate 15% of the EEZ and Territorial Sea for high marine conservation and biodiversity goals, for representative habitats and species. | High biodiversity protection zones conserve and protect the top priority areas for marine and coastal biodiversity in Seychelles. These zones are designated for habitats and species that may be rare, endangered, unique or with narrow distribution ranges. This zone includes breeding or spawning areas, key foraging habitat, fragile or sensitive species and habitats, and internationally significant areas. When combined, these zones provide habitats and species with long-term protection, and are sufficiently large to ensure ecological resilience and climate change adaptation. This zone category is not suitable for extraction or sea bed alteration. |
Zone 2 |
Medium Biodiversity Protection and Sustainable Use Zone |
To allocate 15% of the EEZ and Territorial Waters for medium marine conservation and biodiversity goals, for representative habitats and species. Sustainable uses are compatible with the biodiversity objectives in these areas. | Medium biodiversity protection and sustainable use zones are proposed to conserve areas that are suitable for medium levels of biodiversity protection and are also compatible with some sustainable uses. These zones include habitats and species that have some tolerance to disturbance and human activities. These zones also include regionally and nationally significant areas. This zone category is suitable for some level of extraction and sea bed alteration, with appropriate management and direction, depending on the objective of each designated area. |
Zone 3 |
Multiple Use Zone |
To allocate 70% of the EEZ and Territorial Waters to maximise uses and activities in Seychelles, with development aligned with long-term sustainability of the natural resources. | Areas are identified for multiple uses and economic activity. These include high value and/or high priority areas for the marine sectors that use Seychelles waters for economic, social and cultural benefits. |
- Draft Zoning Framework: Table 1. Zone Categories (v3.5; May 2017)
- Draft Zoning Framework: Table 1. Zone Categories (v3.5; map 2.0; Jun 2015). Click here to view
- Draft Zoning Framework: Table 1. Zone Categories (v3.4; Apr 2015). Click here to view
- Draft Zoning Framework: Full document (v3.2; Jan 2015). Click here to view
- Draft Zoning Process (v1.1; Jul 2014)). Click here to view
Scientific and technical analysis funded and provided by: