A Seychelles Marine Spatial Plan Atlas was created starting in 2014 and was used to support the MSP process and zoning design. The purpose of the MSP Atlas was to create an opportunity for stakeholders to share information and view spatial data for Seychelles for a transparent and evidence-based MSP. The maps provide information and data and were used to visualize the marine ecosystem and human uses and activities. The MSP Atlas will also be very useful for Ministries and stakeholders to support decisions for marine activities in Seychelles when the MSP is implemented.
The data in the Seychelles MSP Atlas pertains to the planning themes for the MSP: marine biodiversity, fisheries, marine infrastructure, shipping and transportation, non-renewable resources, renewable energy, and tourism and recreation. In the print version, the maps will be accompanied by data descriptions and other pertinent information on a facing page to describe the maps. Key references and data sources will be provided so that readers can find more information, well as facts to assist with interpretation of the data shown on each map.
Digital maps will be provided on the SMSP website with the information and data sources for each map. While the Atlas is in development, individual maps are shared here.
The atlas maps listed below are current as of March 2020, for the end of Milestone 3. The final maps will be completed in 2024 for the publishing and printing of the Seychelles MSP Atlas. Please contact us for more information.
Suggested citation: Smith, J.L., R.Tingey and H.E. Sims. 2024. Seychelles Marine Spatial Plan Atlas. Developed by The Nature Conservancy for the Seychelles MSP Initiative. Unpublished maps accessed at www.seymsp.com
Maps prepared by Rick Tingey, Spatial Support Systems, LLC
Part 1: INTRODUCTION (coming soon, please check back)
- BirdLife Important Bird Areas (3 MB)
- High Biodiversity Areas (3 MB)
- Maritime Boundaries (3.1 MB)
- Maritime Infrastructure (2 MB)
- Protected Areas Inner Islands (2 MB)
- Protected Areas Outer Islands (3 MB)
- Protected Areas Praslin LaDigue (2 MB)
- WIOMER Ecoregional Priority (8.5 MB)
- Bathymetry (6.3 MB)
- Deep Seafloor Geomorphology (2 MB)
- Marine Mammal Diversity (2.5 MB)
- Ocean Currents Northwest Monsoon (3 MB)
- Ocean Currents Southeast Monsoon (3 MB)
- Seabird Diversity (3 MB)
- Seagrass Density (3.5 MB)
- Shallow Seafloor Geomorphology (3.5 MB)
- Wetland and Mangrove Distribution (3 MB)
- Artisanal and SemiIndustrial Fishing Effort (3 MB)
- Industrial Tuna Fishing Catch Pelagic Longline (2 MB)
- Industrial Tuna Fishing Catch Purse Seine All Sets (2 MB)
- Industrial Tuna Fishing Catch Purse Seine Floating Objects (2 MB)
- Industrial Tuna Fishing Catch Purse Seine Free School (2 MB)
- International Shipping Traffic (7.7 MB)
- Petroleum Exploration and Interest (3.5 MB)
- Semi Industrial Fishing Effort Pelagic Longline (2 MB)
- Tourism and Recreation Inner Islands (2 MB)
- Tourism and Recreation Praslin LaDigue (1.5 MB)
- Aldabra Group (1.5 MB)
- Alphonse Group (1.5 MB)
- Amirantes Group (2.5 MB)
- Bird and Denis Islands (1.5 MB)
- Coco de Mer Ridge (500 KB)
- Farquhar Group (2.5 MB)
- Inner Islands of Mahe Plateau (1.5 MB)
- Mascarene Plateau (7.2 MB)
- Platte and Coetivy Islands (2 MB)
- Seychelles Archipelagos (3 MB)
- Biodiversity Scenario Zone1 (2.5 MB)
- Biodiversity Scenario Zone2 (2.5 MB)
- Economic Scenario Zone1 (2.5 MB)
- Economic Scenario Zone2 (2.5 MB)
- SEYMSP Milestone3 Zoning Design Technical (3 MB)
GOS-UNDP-GEF. 2015. Strengthening Seychelles’ protected area system through NGO management modalities. R Klaus report to Government of Seychelles UNDP-GEF programme.
Harris, P.T., Macmillan-Lawler, M., Rupp, J. and Baker, E.K. 2014. Geomorphology of the oceans. Marine Geology, 352: 4-24.
Sandwell, D.T., S.T. Gille, and W.H.F. Smith (Editors). 2002. Bathymetry from Space: Oceanography, Geophysics, and Climate, Geoscience Professional Services, Bethesda, MD. 24pp.
Seychelles Fishing Authority 2012
Seychelles Island Foundation. 2017. Aldabra Atoll Management Plan.
Seychelles Maritime Zones Act
Seychelles National Bureau of Statistics 2015. https://www.nbs.gov.sc
Seychelles National Parks Authority
Seychelles Port Authority